Lionel Richie regrets not asking Madonna to do 'We Are the World' - Entertainment Weekly News
Lionel Richie regrets not asking Madonna to do 'We Are the World' - Entertainment Weekly News

Lionel Richie laments not approaching Madonna for ‘We Are the World’ collaboration

Lionel Richie recently admitted during an interview with Jimmy Kimmel that he regrets not inviting Madonna to participate in the legendary 1985 charity track “We Are the World.” Richie, the organizer of the star-studded song aimed at famine relief in Africa, revealed that he missed out on the opportunity to include the queen of pop alongside other iconic voices such as Stevie Wonder, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, and Bette Midler, among others.

In his conversation with Kimmel, Richie explained that the decision boiled down to needing instantly recognizable voices for the brief solo lines in the song. Cyndi Lauper ultimately filled one of those slots, despite initial uncertainty about her participation. Richie acknowledged that while Lauper delivered, there was room for Madonna as well. Reflecting on the missed opportunity, Richie admitted fault, agreeing with Kimmel’s suggestion that they could have included both artists.

Despite the absence of Madonna and Eddie Murphy’s declined participation, “We Are the World” became a monumental success. Richie also explained the inclusion of Dan Aykroyd among the singers, attributing it to the need for a certain vibe.

Richie’s candid discussion sheds light on the complexities behind assembling such a diverse and impactful lineup for a charitable cause, showcasing both the challenges and triumphs in creating musical history.

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