Tesla simulation and video generation are the ‘best in the world’: Musk - TESLARATI
Tesla simulation and video generation are the ‘best in the world’: Musk - TESLARATI

Elon Musk claims that Tesla’s simulation and video generation are unmatched globally

Elon Musk has been talking about real-world simulation and video generation at Tesla, particularly following the release of OpenAI’s Sora generative video model. OpenAI made the announcement about the text-to-video generative model Sora on its website, showcasing a variety of generative AI videos that the system had produced. In response to this news, Musk shared some of Tesla’s generative video on X, which the company had first debuted last year. He has also been actively engaging with posts and replies over the past few days, discussing OpenAI in general and Tesla’s efforts in real-world video generation.

In one of his posts, Musk responded to a suggestion that Tesla should create a video game, expressing his interest in doing so for a long time. However, he also noted that he believes Tesla’s “real-world simulation and video generation is the best in the world,” and added that the company won’t be able to produce a game until after it launches unsupervised Full Self-Driving (FSD) to the public.

Musk also mentioned in a post on Saturday that Tesla has had the capability to do real-world video generation with accurate physics for about a year. However, he stated that the generative video created by these systems wasn’t very interesting since the training data came from its cars. He explained that it looked like a regular video from Tesla, but was actually created with a “dynamically generated (not remembered) world.”

“Where Tesla video generation exceeds OpenAI is that it predicts extremely accurate physics,” Musk stated in response to former Microsoft strategist Robert Scoble. “That is essential for self-driving.”

Before xAI, Elon Musk had high hopes for OpenAI at Tesla. Sora allows users to create videos of up to a minute simply by typing in a text prompt. Additionally, there is a thread from X user Min Choi showcasing some of the generative video model’s capabilities.

Musk has had a complex relationship with OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman, particularly after serving on the company’s board with Altman early on. In recent months, Musk has been openly critical of OpenAI’s transition from a non-profit to a for-profit company. Last year, the Tesla and SpaceX leader launched his own AI company, dubbed xAI, and the company released its first product, a generative language model called Grok, in November.

As electric vehicles become more widespread, incidents of ICE-ing may seem to be increasing. Tesla’s auto wipers are set to receive an update to improve their performance. Reports indicate that Tesla has begun rolling out an improved version of the Model 3. There have been claims in the media that Tesla Cybertruck owners have been experiencing issues. The new Tesla Model 3 is now available for test drives at several Tesla locations.

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