Rice is not included in Apple's official guidance for a wet phone - The Verge
Rice is not included in Apple's official guidance for a wet phone - The Verge

Apple’s official guidance for a wet phone does not include rice

Water damage to phones is a common occurrence, and many people turn to the internet for solutions. One popular suggestion is to place the wet phone in a bag of uncooked rice to draw out the liquid. However, this advice goes against the recommendations of tech support, including Apple. Apple’s support documents explicitly advise against using rice, as small particles of rice could potentially damage the phone.

The support documents also provide guidance on what to do when the liquid detection alert appears on an iPhone. They advise against using external heat sources or compressed air to remove the liquid, as well as inserting cotton swabs or paper towels into charging ports. Instead, Apple suggests tapping the phone against the hand with the connector pointing down, similar to getting water out of an ear after swimming. The phone should then be left in an area with good airflow to dry, and 30 minutes should be allowed before attempting to charge it. If the alert persists, it is recommended to leave the phone and wait, as it can take up to 24 hours to fully dry.

Contrary to popular belief, uncooked rice is not very absorbent and may not be as effective in drying out waterlogged electronics as previously thought. The time spent powered down and drying out is more likely to have an impact on the phone’s recovery. Additionally, leaving the phone in a bag of rice may lead to the temptation to power it on prematurely.

In conclusion, while the use of uncooked rice to dry out a wet phone has been a popular method, it is not recommended by tech support, including Apple. Following the guidelines provided by the support documents, such as allowing the phone to dry in a well-ventilated area and being patient with the drying process, is a more effective approach.

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