Reba McEntire denies calling Taylor Swift an 'entitled little brat' - rumor debunked
Reba McEntire denies calling Taylor Swift an 'entitled little brat' - rumor debunked

Reba McEntire denies calling Taylor Swift an ‘entitled little brat’ – rumor debunked

Reba McEntire recently addressed rumors of a rift with Taylor Swift, clarifying that she did not refer to the pop star as “an entitled little brat.” A report had claimed that McEntire was upset with Swift for allegedly laughing and drinking during her national anthem performance at the Super Bowl LVIII. However, the country singer took to social media to debunk the false claims, emphasizing that she has immense respect for Swift as an artist and role model.

Fans of McEntire came to her defense, pointing out that the allegations were baseless and out of character for the country star. McEntire has previously expressed admiration for Swift’s talent and predicted her rise to stardom after watching her perform in front of Tim McGraw. The singer’s unwavering support for Swift has been evident in her public statements over the years.

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